Thursday, March 26, 2009

My Cock is Really Confused

Photoshop at its worst.

You read it right. My cock Cornelius is really confused.

He woke me up in the middle of the night, pecking his beak through my blanket. I thought I had a wonderful dream. Then, "Corny," as I like to call him, wanted to interrupt me.

I asked, "What the hell do you think you're doing, Cornelius?"

Then, he just stared at me with his head all high with that same smug disposition he has during these odd hours of the night.

Cornelius, then, pecked at my hand with his beak and let out a crow. "ERRRrrrr!," he roared.

I tried to shut him up with shushes and "be quiets" but Cornelius wanted something. I wasn't sure what that was.

Corny, then, flapped his wings, landed on the night stand adjacent, and pecked his beak on the television controller on the night stand. The blaring of the TV filled the empty room as Corny and I stared at a television program.

It was apparently a late night television program with a talking, standing tool. I couldn't make out what he was saying but he kept making these incoherent statements like "shorts are short and pants are long."

There was also a woman on the program. A beautiful blonde young woman no older than 25 with flowing blonde locks, a low cut skirt dress, and ample breasts. She was the kind of woman who you swore was an athlete once but decided to make due looking beautiful instead.

Cornelius stared at the flashing images, twisting his head. Upon looking at the program, Cornelius let out a loud call, louder than ever before. And it became repetitve, almost as if a seizure was happening. All I could do was stare as my spastic cock became unruly.

I stared back at the TV and then back to my cock and then back to my TV. What the hell was so interesting, I thought. "This guy is not funny at all," I said. "I don't like him one bit. There's no charisma!"

All I could see was the male host pretending to be funny while the charming blonde made efforts to look adorable and cute. It was mind-boggling to me.

I decided to end the noise being made by clutching the remote control from my cock and turning off the TV.

"Never again, Corny," I told him as I slapped my cock on the head.

What Cornelius and I watched last night:

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