Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Cooter Scooter: HIMYM, Kelly Clarkson, and being "Tracy Morgan" Crazy

The Cooter Scooter is basically a roundup of things going on that I've seen, saw, or screwed (*rolling eyes*)and my take on them. Actually, I just regurgitate whatever is on my mind before I forget it and apparently it's always about entertainment. My deficit on attention is in much disorder.

One of these people forgot to wear pants. Hint: It's the dude who showed his dangle in that Sarah Marshall movie.

Last night's How I Met Your Mother could be described in two words: night shirts. You know, those old timey pajama onesies with a open, skirted bottom and not the full body suit onesies you were when you wet the bed at 4...or 16 years old.

In Monday's episode titled The Front Porch, the gang stays up late to catch Robin anchoring the early, early, early morning news at 3:30 a.m. (Shit like that takes me back in the day when I was producing early morning news for the early rising geriatrics of INSERT GOD FORSAKEN CITY NAME HERE.) During the airing of Robin's newscast, which they ignorantly muted, Ted, the man who will one day be Bob Saget's voice in 2025, finds out that his friend of dozens of years Lily, played by a very pregnant Alyson Hannigan, has been sabotaging his past relationships for breakup, including his with Robin, who is played by the also very pregnant Cobie Smulders. (I told Alyson and Cobie that I'm bare riding it that night. They knew the risk. I "Dr. Manhattan" it with mine, homey. Best believe, I Superman dem hoes, ya dig?) All in this process, the gang misses the follies of Robin extinguishing a chef on fire, performing CPR on a dying weatherman, and delivering a pregnant morning show guest. All of this was an after thought to the true non-important important thing of the ep: you guessed it, night shirts. You know, like Peter Pan status shits.

Bottom line, I haven't really liked this season of HIMYM. The show has genuinely shied away from the mood of Ted's search of the entitled "mother" in the first season and parts of the third season. Of course, you can't but love how Neil Patrick Harris has performed throughout the run of this show. Not bad for a gay guy playing machismo-ly straight. Other than that, I gotta stop impregnating actresses from shows I like. (Sarah Chalke, I'm looking at you.)

Yes, we can agree that Kelly Clarkson let herself go as of late. You can't deny that when she wears brown pants, it makes her legs look like those on a large race horse. But the bitch can sing. I mean, like, sang, son! Clarkson showed why she is a star today rather than reality show winner of yesteryear on this past weekend's Saturday Night Live hosted by Tracy Morgan. Clarkson came out there and said, "Sure, my diet currently consists of two full grown babies placed in between a sesame-seed bun twice a day. But hear me hit this high note with ferocity and unabashed ruthlessness." OK, maybe she didn't say that. But the bitch can sang, ya dig?

And speaking of Tracy Morgan, it was refreshing to see the black Will Ferrell flopping (the good kind) on his return to SNL. Yes, we were treated to Morgan classics like Brian Fellow's Safari Planet and Astronaut Jones. I mention him, though, because I made a remark to my friend at lunch the other day about my level of craziness.

"Look, I'm a crazy muthafucka," I said. "I am a crazy muthafucka. Not Mike Tyson crazy. More like Tracy Morgan crazy."

If you don't know what that kind of crazy is, watch this:

1 comment:

  1. Interesting...yeah, this season isn't too great, but I liked the last episode quite a bit...this one was meh for me, but still pretty good...I'm getting annoyed that Ted gets back with Robin because obviously they don't stay together or he, (and by he, I mean Bob Saget) wouldn't be calling her Aunt Robin to his kids...sigh. Kelly Clarkson can sing, and FYI, she really isn't that bad...I'm thinking she went through a bit of a depression from the whole "My December" fiasco, and hopefully, her new album will do well enough to make her actually have shows that she has to dance at...problem solved. As far as Tracy Morgan goes...I just don't know...never paid too much attention to him...I'll have to check him out sometime I guess...

    On a totally different note...NIGHT SHIRTS FTW!
