Monday, March 30, 2009

Cooter Footer: Y Tu Mama Tambien

Diegooo Lunaaa. Diego Luna.

It's past 1:45 a.m. on a Monday morning and I haven't heard the word "fuck" slanged in Spanish so much more than in the movie Y Tu Mama Tambien. For that matter, I didn't really understand what Spanish word was "fuck" in the movie. They talk all so fast! Anyways, with the short 15-20 minutes I've seen in the movie so far, more like the middle of it, I can tell there's a lot of sexual tension between the characters Luisa, Tenoch, and Julio. Of course, Tenoch is played by Diego Luna. And that got me thinking about Will Ferrell's funny ass Broadway show You're Welcome America, which had at least three references to Diego Luna. I don't know in what context it came up in but, f*ck, if it wasn't funny. If you have time this wanking work week, which will include freakin' April Fools' Day, I dare you to watch Y Tu Mama Tambien. You will be thinking "WTF? How come these guys are c*mming way too soon in this old but very attractive chick." I have no idea. I freakin' decided to stay up until 2 a.m. to freakin' write about Y Tu Mama Tambien. That has to tell you what kind of sick son of a bitch I have to be.

Editor's Note: I'm watching this shit on Cinemax with English subtitles. I so was trying to put them shits on here with a YouTube embed but there are no English subtitles, dubbings, or anything. So check your local listings for the next showing. Sorry.

Editor's Note Post Script: Maribel Verdu, who plays Luisa, has to be one hot blooded Latina. (If you didn't get that Gov. Schwarzenegger reference, Google him and former Assemblywoman Bonnie Garcia. It's funny.) Anyways, Verdu is hot. Read more about her here.

Editor's Note Post Post Script: I just realized this movie was directed by Alfonso Cuaron. He made one of my recent favorite movies,
Children of Men. If you want ground breaking film direction, Children of Men is the way to go. Who else could make five minute uninterrupted takes and make them into moving picture masterpieces. My God, see Y Tu Mama Tambien and Children of Men. Because you know both Diego Luna and Clive Owen are badasses, except Clive Owen can be a badass in freakin' flip-flop sandals. You still don't know what I'm talking about. GO SEE THESE MOVIES! Ok, I won't bother you again. I promise.

Editor's Note Post Post Post Script: Holy shit! There's a "devil's three-way" in progress. Remember, no eye contact with the other dude. Wait a minute, the dudes are kissing. Ah, dude! No, dude, no! Noooooooo! NOOOOOOOOOO! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Now, they just discovered they cornholed each other. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! That's why I should blog AFTER I watch a movie.

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