Sunday, March 22, 2009

An "I Love You, Man" Review: Totes Magotes (WTF?)

What Brokeback Mountain would be like but with less man sex and more Rush.

I hate to equate a movie like I Love You, Man, which was a chick flick that transformed into an all out macho man bonding movie, in to a category which I call "cute." But it was. Just the way Knocked Up was...just the way Superbad was...just the way I Am Legend was. Actually, I Am Legend was just so morbid. That movie was not cute at all. Where was I?

So quick premise: Peter Klaven (Paul Rudd) proposes to his girlfriend Zooey (Rashida Jones aka Karen from The Office aka Quincy Jones' daughter aka the chick in the Love Contract skit from Chapelle's Show). Peter realizes though that he has always been a girlfriend man meaning he doesn't have a deep roster of guy friends, save for a few dudes at his fencing club (fencing? really?) and his gay brother played by Andy Samburg, of all people. So he's setup on "man-dates" to find a best man for his wedding, one of which includes an awkward and uncomfortable but very laughable moment with Thomas Lennon (the guy from Reno 911!).

It seems like his search for a friend is going to fail until he meets Sydney, played masterfully by Jason Segal. His honest portrayal of a friend who just doesn't give a care about life's hindrances and social taboos fits in with Rudd's straight man waiting to come out (NOT GAY) character. So their hanging out changes things in Rudd but causes friction between Rudd and the wifey to be. All in this process, we have Peter and Sydney's wet dream of rocking out to Rush (yeah, way before my time, although, Tom Sawyer is a hella long song to play on Rock Band), a Lou Ferrigno tie-in to the story (he's still struggling with the English language after all this time), and Sydney's dog named Anwar Sadat (yes, way way before my time). Yada Yada Yada (translation: the shit that happens between the establishment of the plot and the resolution) and we have a cute movie. Then again, I did say that about The House Bunny.

Some observances: did anyone notice Rob and Aziz from Human Giant? Those dudes along with Paul Scheer own the world, or at least the world of nerdy comedy...not unlike the Comedians of Comedy. Also, Jon Favreau was there. Pleasant to see him play the asshole again. I'm so used to hearing Jaime Pressley speak in that trailer park accent from My Name is Earl, so I was surprised when she actually spoke ... normally. I think I'm in love with Rashida Jones. She seems like the perfect girlfriend to have...if she knows how to "pay back the love."

Anyways, I was not drunk for this movie screening, but I feel like I should have been. Dammit with all this review reading and trailer viewing! Shit like that truly ruins a movie viewing experience. I did laugh me tits off, Benjo!

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