Monday, May 11, 2009

500 Days of Garden State Miss Sunshine Starring Jim from the Office and Donatella Versace

Please don't make this douchey.

I've toed the line of my movie taste. I've challenged myself to stay with one thing or another. Mainstream or independent. I mean, I loved Garden State as much as the next drug-addled, young, wide-eyed, angsty 20-something, but I felt that movies like that seemed more visually contrived, like someone tried almost too hard to make you "feel." Then again, I enjoyed the more mainstream, shoot 'em up, take you down thriller action movie that sometimes fall short of movie making expectations. Both give you too much of something and leave out any focus on another element of the movie, which brings me to the conclusion that no movie will be complete except for porn action movies. Sex, dialogue, action, more "action". Hot.

With that said, enter Away We Go, the next indie road trip movie in the same vein of Little Miss Sunshine. John Krasinski follows up the mild turd bomb that was Licensed to Wed with this film. And, oh, look, Maya Rudolph is our slightly older version of Juno McGuff. (It's about freaking time for Rudolph's acting chops to be recognized. Playing Donatella Versace can only do so much for your career.) They go cross-country for understanding and where they should settle while the couple's spawn grows inside the very insecure Rudolph (the character she plays, not Maya Rudolph herself). And, look, Kate Winslet's husband directs. But enough about him, let's fantasize about Kate herself. Hot.

By the way, Maya Rudolph, the daughter of singer Minnie Riperton (you know, loving you is easy cause you're beautiful...?) and already a mother of one child, is expecting another kid. Thought you should know that. Trailer!

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