Friday, April 10, 2009

I'm an Asian. I'm From Texas. How Do I Feel About This?

The way things are doesn't settle well with this lady, especially when Asian names are involved.

You know that nagging feeling you get when you just threw up your lunch and the same thing is happening to your back end? No. You don't know that feeling?

Ok. Very well. Considering that's the overall feeling of my weeklong illness, which I hope I'm getting over like a good relationship that ended because she didn't feel like she was making me happy, oh no, she was, but she found that justice to break up with me anyways...ehhhh...(ruh roh. TANGENT. Back on track.), I find it overwhelming to get over an illness with this news, being the proud Asian-Texan:
You know what really ruffles the feathers of Texas State Representative Betty Brown? Asian names. She could take or leave the Asians themselves, but their names? She's definitely leaving those.

That's why Ms. Brown has proposed that Asians ditch their given names and use names that are "easier for Americans to deal with." She was responding to a representative's complaint that Chinese, Japanese and Korean people sometimes have difficulty voting due to disparities between their legal, transliterated names and the common English names used on driver's licenses and school registrations. [Asylum/]
Since I'm naturally selfish, I'll tell you how this would affect me if this lady got her way. Absolutley no effect on me, whatsoever. I'm not Asian. I'm actually Spanish. I may look like I did wrong against the U.S. in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii in 1941, but believe me, I'm not like those Asians. I speak-a a lot of Hispanol, ya dig? That leaves me with one hitch, though. They still haven't fixed the border-immigration thing yet, right? So, I'm so a fugitive from INS. Si. Great. Changon!

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