Friday, April 3, 2009

The Cooter Primer for the Weekend: Muthaf*ckin' Beach Boys!

If you'd rather hear a f*ckin' Flo Rida song, get the f' out!

I would say I'm firmly in my 20s enjoying the life of the young and vibrant. I don't mind the regular dance hit from Soulja Boy or the angst and pomp of My Chemical Romance. But it's rarely in these days that you discover a hit that was simmering under the pop consciousness for over 30 years. "Sail On, Sailor" solidifies the hit making machine that the Beach Boys were already.

There's a whole backstory with the making of this song. I will not bore you with it but, my God, does it make me comfortable and long for days out on the water or, in my current location, sunset in the mountains. The song basically gives you that sense of accomplishment, that, yes, you are sailing the course of your life and you're doing a hell of a good job doing it. So I give to you, as you are sailing towards the blissful waters of the weekend, this song. (My God, could I write anything more douchey?)

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