Monday, June 22, 2009

HTF Does a Blogger Become the News?

So apparently the "Queen of All Media" Perez Hilton got "assaulted" in Toronto over the weekend. The kicker of the assault apparently was who he accused of the hit -- of the Black Eyed Peas [TMZ has the story].

Here's an obvious double-edged sword about this. First, it's Perez Hilton. He seems like an alright guy from a relevant sense of notoriety. Despite his poorly constructed MS Paints of penii on certain celebrity faces, he just seems to keep his lispy mouth into things that shouldn't necessitate him to be.

And then you have the Black Eyed Peas, who I loved back in 1998 when they started that conscious hip-hop movement, incorporating the talents from different racial backgrounds into the fold. You know, something like a modern day rap equivalent to Prince's crew. Then, 2002 hit and they wanted relevancy badly. And you could tell when they decided to add the pop chick to the group. And suddenly, an L.A. hip-hop group that no one knew is suddenly on the mainstream, with pop records playing at every prom, graduation party, and marriage reception. Boo on that!

So, in summation, I could care less about this incident. I just want to make the point that if I started pandering and just starting shit out of thin air, I would put a little more class and little less slut to the occasion. Speaking of, I'm calling out the yellow Wiggle. That muthaf*cka is totally queer.

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